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Seminar Pendidikan Johor Kali Ke-3 (SPJIII)


    February 6, 2024 – February 6, 2024

    Kelestarian dan peningkatan kualiti pendidikan memerlukan wadah diskusi ilmiah. Sehubungan dengan itu Seminar Pendidikan Johor Kali ke-3 (SPJ III) direncana untuk menemukan pakar-pakar bidang pendidikan bagi merancang strategi masa depan pendidikan di Johor khususnya dan di Malaysia amnya.

    Penganjuran seminar ini menjadi medan bagi kalangan penyelidik di universiti, Institusi pendidikan, dan sekolah  dari seluruh Malaysia membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan pendidikan dan pembangunan generasi madani yang diingini. Isu-isu yang akan dibincangkan ke arah kelestarian pendidikan dan bertujuan meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan secara menyeluruh.

    Peranan UTHM dalam melaksanakan seminar ini akan memberi sumbangan yang besar dalam pembangunan dalam pendidikan dan menjadi perantara agensi kerajaan, swasta dan pelabur. Kepentingan UTHM dan Institusi Pendidikan di Johor sebagai penggerak utama dalam membantu meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan di Johor adalah sangat perlu kerana merekalah pemimpin hadapan dalam bidang pendidikan, penyelidikan dan pembangunan generasi madani masa kini.


    • Pendidikan Teknikal & Vokasional: (OJTP/JTTR/RITVET/JTET)
    • Pengurusan & Kepimpinan: (CERANA)
    • Kurikulum & Pengajaran: (IJERAP)
    • Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT): (CERANA/IJERAP/ RITVET)
    • Pentaksiran & Penilaian: (CERANA/IJERAP)
    • Inovasi & Teknologi Pendidikan: (CERANA/IJERAP/BoC/ RITVET)
    • Pembangunan Pekerjaan & Kerjaya: (OJTP/JTTR/ RITVET)
    • Teknologi & Inovasi: (OJTP/JTTR/RITVET)
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM): (CERANA/IJERAP/ RITVET)
    • Pendidikan Pembangunan Manusia (Pendidikan Khas, Pendidikan Awal kanak-kanak, Pendidikan Pemulihan, Bimbingan Kaunseling, Psikologi Pendidikan): (CERANA/IJERAP)
    • Sains sosial (Sejarah, Pendidikan Islam, Pendidikan Jasmani, Pendidikan Seni): (CERANA/IJERAP/JTS)
    • Bahasa: (CERANA/IJERAP)
    • Digitalisasi Pendidikan: (CERANA/IJERAP/OJTP/ RITVET)

    Pendaftaran dan Penghantaran Kertas Kerja

    a. Pendaftaran dan penghantaran kertas kerja penuh hendaklah dibuat secara elektronik melalui sistem penghantaran secara dalam talian (

    Klik pada menu "Pendaftaran" untuk mencipta akaun dan teruskan untuk pendaftaran persidangan dengan log masuk ke dalam sistem.Klik pada menu "Author" dan klik pada "New Submission" untuk menghantar kertas kerja penuh penulis. Pastikan penulis memilih "Track" dan menggunakan templat yang betul sebelum membuat penghantaran (submission).

    b. Templat / Format Penghantaran - Patuhi templat yang boleh dimuat turun di "Menu Muat Turun".

    Muat Turun:

    c. Penulis diminta untuk menghantar laporan plagarisme (turnitin atau seumpanya) dan mestilah di bawah 30% termasuk rujukan. Jika melebihi 30% indeks plagarisme, kertas kerja tidak akan diterbitkan.

    d. Penulis diminta merekodkan ID Paper bagi memudahkan urusan berkaitan penerbitan dengan pihak Jawatankuasa Penerbitan dan Pembentangan SPJ III. Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan sistem penghantaran kertas kerja, boleh merujuk kepada PIC (Data & Sistem OCS) iaitu Dr. Nur Syamimi Mohd Razali (013-7048116).

    e. Bagi progres penerbitan kertas kerja, penulis boleh menghubungi Koordinator JK Penerbitan & Pembentangan iaitu Dr. Mohd Zulfadli Rozali(013-4618610).

  • Seminar Pendidikan Johor 2017(SPJ2017)

    September 12, 2017 – September 13, 2017

    Penganjuran seminar ini menjadi medan bagi universiti, politeknik, sekolah dan organisasi pendidikan di Johor membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan pendidikan dan pembangunan swadaya insan. Isu-isu yang dibincangkan bertujuan meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan secara menyeluruh.

    Peranan UTHM dalam melaksanakan seminar ini akan memberi sumbangan yang besar dalam pembangunan sumber manusia khususnya dalam menjayakan Johor Berkemajuan.

    Johor Berkemajuan yang seharusnya direalisasikan oleh TEAM Johor. Seterusnya penekanan utama dalam melaksanakan inovasi dan teknologi. Diikuti pula oleh penjanaan ekonomi yang pesat khususnya bagi ekonomi digital serta pemantapan prestasi glokal dan global. Kepentingan UTHM dan Institusi Pendidikan di Johor sebagai penggerak utama dalam membantu meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan di Johor secara langsung dan secara dalam talian adalah sangat perlu kerana kamilah pemimpin hadapan dalam bidang pendidikan, penyelidikan dan pembangunan swadaya insan.

    Seminar Pendidikan Johor 2017 ini adalah kali kedua diadakan.  Kali pertama telah diadakan pada tahun 2016; antara pencapaian yang telah dicapai ialah mendapat penyertaan yang melebihi 500 orang dan mendapat saranan daripada peserta untuk dijadikan seminar secara tahunan.

  • Seminar Pendidikan Johor 2016

    September 19, 2016 – September 20, 2016

    Penganjuran seminar ini menjadi medan bagi universiti, politeknik, sekolah, Institut latihan kemahiran, industri dan organisasi berteraskan pendidikan di Johor membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan pendidikan dan pembangunan swadaya insan. Isu-isu yang dibincangkan bertunjangkan kepada Bajet Johor 2016 yang bertujuan meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan secara menyeluruh.

International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (ICME)

  • 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2024 (ICME 2024)

    October 22, 2024 – October 23, 2024

    All accepted papers to this conference will be published in Scopus Indexed Journal upon final checks from the publisher. The scope of papers in the area of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is divided into several track director as follows:

    Materials Science and Engineering.

    Advanced Mechanical, Bioengineering and Manufacturing Design Technology

    Tribology in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

    Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Process and Systems

    Metal, ceramic and polymer composites

    Fuel Cell

    Alternative Energy, Green Energy and Energy Management

    Advanced Internal and External Combustion

    Aeronautical and Aerospace Systems and Technology

    Industrial Automation and Process Control

    Advanced Machining and Rapid Prototyping

    Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

    Acoustics, Vibration and Condition Monitoring

    Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

    Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

    General Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

    Oil and Gas Engineering Technology

  • 12th International Conference in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2022

    August 9, 2022 – August 10, 2022

    The 12th International Conference on Mechanical and manufacturing Engineering(ICME2022)
    Conference Date : 09 - 10th, August 2022



    Materials Science & Engineering  ||  Advance Mechanical, Blo-engineering and Manufacturing Design Technology  ||  Tribology in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering  ||  Advance Manufacturing Technology, Process and Systems  ||  Metal, Ceramic and Polymer Composites  ||  Fuel Cell  ||  Alternative Energy, Green Energy and Energy Management  ||  Advance Internal and External Combustion  ||  Aeronautical and Aerospace Systems And Technology  ||  Industrial Automation and Process Control  ||  Advance Machining and Rapid Prototyping  ||  Industrial Engineering and Operations Managements  ||  Acoustics, Vibration and Condition Monitoring  ||  Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics  ||  Fluids Mechanics and Heat Transfer  ||  General Mechanical And Manufacturing Engineering  ||  Sustainable Manufacturing Technology



    All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed before being accepted for Scopus indexed conference proceedings or Google Scholar journal. Selected paper of ICME'22 will be published in Scopus journal.

  • 11th International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 2021 (ICME'21)

    August 26, 2021 – August 26, 2021

    Bringing the theme of Empowering Academic, Industry and Community Collaboration Through Engineering Advancement”, there will also one special forum that combines several panelist from the Vice Chancellors of Public and Private Universities, a CEO from an aerospace industry and a community leader. They will discuss on the current issues with regards to the theme.

    All accepted papers will be published in Scopus index journal or proceeding. The scope of papers in the area of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is divided into several track director as follows:

    Materials Science and Engineering.

    Advanced Mechanical, Bioengineering and Manufacturing Design Technology

    Tribology in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

    Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Process and Systems

    Metal, ceramic and polymer composites

    Fuel Cell

    Alternative Energy, Green Energy and Energy Management

    Advanced Internal and External Combustion

    Aeronautical and Aerospace Systems and Technology

    Industrial Automation and Process Control

    Advanced Machining and Rapid Prototyping

    Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

    Acoustics, Vibration and Condition Monitoring

    Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

    Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

    General Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

  • International Conference on Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 2018 (ICME2018)

    August 18, 2018 – August 18, 2018

    Johor Bahru, Malaysia

    August, 2018



    Contact Person: Assc. Prof. Dr. Sufizar Ahmad


    9th International Conference in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2018(ICME2018) is organized by the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in order to gather and attract variety of experts from various backgrounds all around the world.This conference aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. Only accepted, reviewed and registered papers with full payment will be published in an open access SCOPUS indexed journal. Authors should make sure that one of the authors listed in the paper should do the paper presentation at the conference.

    Organized by: Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

  • 8th International Conference in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2017 (ICME2017)

    July 22, 2017 – July 23, 2017


    Contact Person: Assc. Prof. Dr. Nik Hisyamudin Muhd Nor


    8th International Conference in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2017 (ICME2017) is organized by the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in order to gather and attract variety of experts from various backgrounds all around the world.This conference aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. Only accepted, reviewed and registered papers with full payment will be published in an open access SCOPUS indexed journal. Authors should make sure that one of the authors listed in the paper should do the paper presentation at the conference. The publication will be ONLINE latest TWO MONTHS after conference.

    Organized by: Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

    Full paper submission deadline: 14 May 2017

  • International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2016)

    August 1, 2016 – August 3, 2016


    "Sustainable Energy Towards Global Synergy"

    ICME2016 aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

    Paper submission online here:


    Paper Online Submission



September 6 – September 7, 2022

Virtual Conference

The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology 2022 (i-CMETech 2022) is the first international conference organized by The Faculty of Engineering Technology from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. 
The central theme of the conference "Embracing Technology for Sustainable Development" is intended to spur new ideas for a technologically advanced sustainable development.


  • Transportation Engineering
  • Energy
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Biotechnology & Sustainable Materials
  • Mechanical & Manufacturing
  • Infrastructure & Environmental Management
  • Civil Engineering & Building
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Occupational Safety & Health

  • International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology

    September 6, 2022 – September 7, 2022

    Faculty of Engineering Technology, UTHM, will be organizing an International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology (I-CMETech 2022) on 6th & 7th September 2022. The conference website link is


    All accepted paper will be published in SCOPUS indexed publication

SPEED Conference - 4th SPRP 2021

Sustainable Professional Education For Excellent Development (SPEED) & Symposium on Postgraduate Research and Publication (SPRP) 2021 Virtual Conference.

​Virtual Conference (Online)
Link SPEED-SPRP2021:
Batu Pahat, MY

This conference offers an excellent opportunity to local and international levels with a focus on the education, entrepreneurship, technology, tourism and social science and humanities. The conference also to bring together academics, researchers, and scholars around the world. They will have a great platform to deliver and discuss the new research finding or the latest innovation in social science, technology, and engineering education.

*All accepted manuscipts will be published in selected scopus, non scopus journal or preeceding accordingly. Terms and condition apply.


    October 20, 2021 – October 20, 2021

    This conference offers a great opportunity to local and international levels with a focus on the education, entrepreneurship, technology, tourism and social science and humanities.The conference also to bring together academics, researchers, and scholars around the world to have great platform to deliver and discuss the new research finding or the latest innovation.

    Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) proudly present 4th SYMPOSIUM OF POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION (SPRP) 2021 in conjuction with SUSTAINABLE PROFESIONAL EDUCATION fOR EXCELLENT DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE 2021 (SPEED Conference 2021). The 4th SPRP will take place on 20th Oktober 2021 at  Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. All the scholars are encouraged to submit full papers.

International Conference on the Built Environment and Engineering (IConBEE)

International Conference on the Built Environment and Engineering aims to bring together leading academic, scientists, researchers, students and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences and research results on matters regarding all aspects of Built Environment and Engineering. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges and the solutions adopted in the field of Built Environment and Engineering.

The central theme of the conference ‘Driving Construction & Environment Excellence’ is intended to spur new ideas for a technologically advanced sustainable construction industry.

IConBEE2021 is to be held on 1st - 2nd April 2021 in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). It will provide an opportunity for networking and sharing of ideas that can serve to enhance collaboration across universities, research institutions, government, industry and experts both local and international. The organising committee of IConBEE 2021 aims to position this conference so as to become a renowned avenue and platform for global intellectual discourse on the built environment.

IConBEE2021 Conference Committee

  • International Conference on the Built Environment and Engineering 2021 (IConBEE2021)

    April 1, 2021 – April 2, 2021

Innovation and Technology Management Conference (ITMC)

ITMA2019 is the first conference organized by the Innovation and Technology Managers Association (ITMA) Malaysia to promote and facilitate the technology transfer and commercialization activities. It aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers,  technology transfer officers, and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings, experience and expertise as well as to explore any other potential benefits that might contribute to the effective management and utilization of Intellectual Properties. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

  • Innovation and Technology Management Conference 2019 (ITMC2019)

    September 22, 2019 – September 23, 2019

    ITMC2019 is the first conference organized by the Innovation and Technology Managers Association (ITMA) Malaysia to promote and facilitate the technology transfer and commercialization activities. It aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers,  technology transfer officers, and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings, experience and expertise as well as to explore any other potential benefits that might contribute to the effective management and utilization of Intellectual Properties. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC)

The Engineering Technology International Conference (ETIC) is the international conference organized by The Faculty of Engineering Technology from the Malaysia Technical University Network (MTUN). This biennially conference is a continuation of the successful of the previous ETIC'S organized by UMP,UniMAP and UTeM.

  • Engineering Technology International Conference 2020 (ETIC2020)

    March 24, 2020 – March 25, 2020

    The Engineering Technology International Conference 2020 (ETIC 2020) is the forth international conference organized by The Faculty of Engineering Technology from the Malaysia Technical University Network (MTUN). This biennially conference is a continuation of the successful of the previous ETIC'S organized by UMP,UniMAP and UTeM. For this upcoming ETIC2020, UTHM as appointed as official host.

    • Transportation
    • Energy
    • Electrical & Electronics
    • Mechanical, Manufacturing & Process Technology
    • Civil, Building, Infrastructure & Environmental Management
    • Chemical, Biotechnology & Sustainable Materials
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • OSHA

International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA)

22-23 Sep 2019 | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia |
International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) is a biannual program organized by the Ministry of Education Malaysia together with its partner institutions since 2001. PECIPTA aims to showcase the  innovative research, products and services from national and international institutions of higher learning (IHL).
PECIPTA also aims to enhance networking and collaboration among participants, industries, agencies and others potential players to further explore, improvise and  ensure the technologies developed can be transferred to industries and communities.

  • International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning 2019 (PECIPTA'19)

    September 22, 2019 – September 23, 2019

    International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) is a biannual program organized by the Ministry of Education Malaysia together with its partner institutions since 2001. PECIPTA aims to showcase the  innovative research, products and services from national and international institutions of higher learning (IHL).
    PECIPTA also aims to enhance networking and collaboration among participants, industries, agencies and others potential players to further explore, improvise and  ensure the technologies developed can be transferred to industries and communities.
    Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is selected to co-host 10th PECIPTA in which will be held at the Dewan Sultan Ibrahim UTHM from 22nd to 23rd September 2019.
    With the theme of “Innovation Beyond Imagination”, PECIPTA2019 will bring various type of technologies, inventions and innovations beyond expectation for the benefit of mankind locally and globally

International Conference on the Application of Science and Mathematics (SCIEMATHIC)

  • International Conference on the Application of Science and Mathematics 2019 (SCIEMATHIC2019)

    August 14, 2019 – August 15, 2019

    5th International Conference on the Application of Science and Mathematics

International Research and Innovation Symposium and Exposition (RISE)

  • International Research and Innovation Symposium and Exposition 2018 (RISE2018)

    December 31, 2018 – December 31, 2018

    Registration Procedure:

    1. Please login or register into the system.

    2. Click "New Submission" to proceed with the form submission. If there is no "New Submission" link, please go to your Profile and tick "/" on "AUTHOR" at the bottom of the profile page.

    3. Fill in all required items and upload the Full Paper thru the system.

    4. Please ensure that you are using the correct format during this submission.

    5. Please use the Paper ID given for any inquiries to the organizer.

International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS)

  • 7TH International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS7)

    July 1, 2019 – July 1, 2019

    Sharing expertise and exchange knowledge among the Researchers, Experts, and Industrial Players


    7th International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS7) is organized to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

    IRIS7 comprises several international conference series :

    Energy and Combustion

    Advances in Mechanics

    Industrial and Design Engineering

    Sustainable and Green Technology

    Advances in Computing and Intelligent System

    Materials Characterization

    Thin Film and Surface Coatings

    All submitted papers will be peer reviewed and will be published upon acceptance online.

  • 6th International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS6)

    August 27, 2018 – August 27, 2018

    This is a submission system for:

    1. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Intelligent System 2018 (ICACIS2018)


    2. International Conference on Electronic and System Engineering 2018 (ICESE2018)


    3. International Conference on Sustainable and Green Technology 2018 (SIGHT2018)



    Please register first for the new user by clicking the "ACCOUNT" on the above menu or LOGIN for the existing user.

    For the existing user, after login, please click "My Profile" and tick "Author" at the bottom of the Profile page to enable "New Submission" for this conference.

  • 5th International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS5)

    December 7, 2017 – December 8, 2017


    5th International Research and Innovation Summit (IRIS5) is organized to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

    All submitted papers will be peer reviewed and will be published upon acceptance in either Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS-IOP Pubishing), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science & Engineering (MSE-IOP Publishing) or Advanced Science Letter (ASL-American Scientific Publisher) (all currently indexed by SCOPUS).

International Conference on Technology Management, Business And Entrepreneurship (ICTMBE)

  • 7th International Conference on Technology Management, Business And Entrepreneurship

    October 17, 2018 – October 18, 2018

    Please register first for the new user by clicking the "ACCOUNT" on the above menu or LOGIN for the existing user.

    For the existing user, after login, please click "My Profile" and tick "Author" at the bottom of the Profile page to enable "New Submission" for this conference.


  • 6th International Conference on Technology Management, Business And Entrepreneurship

    August 24, 2017 – August 24, 2017

International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN)

The 6th INSAN Conference is part of the planned activities with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UTHM and the Institut Sosial Malaysia, KPWKM, Universiti Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) Indonesia, and the Board of Higher Education Services of Territory X Indonesia. The organization of this conference also obtained the cooperation and participation from University of Walailak Thailand. The conference location is planned to be held in Nakhonsitammarat, Thailand; it is a strategic location and accessible to institutions of higher learning in this country, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries. PPUK estimates about 200 participants and paper presenters will participate in this INSAN conference with participation from educational institutions, research, non-governmental organizations and related agencies.

  • 6th International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN 2020)

    August 19, 2020 – August 22, 2020

    The 6th INSAN Conference is part of the planned activities with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UTHM and the Institut Sosial Malaysia, KPWKM, Universiti Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) Indonesia, and the Board of Higher Education Services of Territory X Indonesia. The organization of this conference also obtained the cooperation and participation from University of Walailak Thailand. The conference location is planned to be held in Nakhonsitammarat, Thailand; it is a strategic location and accessible to institutions of higher learning in this country, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries. PPUK estimates about 200 participants and paper presenters will participate in this INSAN conference with participation from educational institutions, research, non-governmental organizations and related agencies.

  • 5th International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN 2018

    November 7, 2018 – November 8, 2018
  • 4th International Conference on Human Sustainability 2017

    November 1, 2017 – November 2, 2017

    The notion of organizing the International Conference of Human Sustainability (INSAN) came from the realization of the need to discuss issues, challenges and the future related to human sustainability from a wide array of social science and humanistic disciplines.The 4th conference is organized to encourage academic discussions with human sustainability through social innovation approach at its core. This approach has been seen to be able to strengthen the development process and the building of future civilisation.

    INSAN 2017 THEME


  • 3rd International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN 2016)

    November 1, 2017 – November 2, 2017

    International Conference on Human Sustainability is held to discuss the issues, challenges and the future related to human well-being in various social science disciplines. Hence, the Department of Islamic Studies and Social Science (JPSS), Faculty of Science, Technology and Human Development (FSTPi) took the initiative to hold the third conference to promote academic discussions in order to strengthen the process of development and civilization in the future.

    This conference is in line with the United Nations (UN) agenda in maintaining development and civilization for future generations, by following the leads of other conventions such as the Brundtland Commission, the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future, the Kyoto Protocol and so on. It is related to the creation of social awareness through attitude, behaviour and relevant action in preserving and enhancing future sustainable development.

    The success of this conference is very important for academicians and researchers to share their knowledge and expertise along with their colleagues from various institutions. Sharing of knowledge, skills and experience will further strengthen the human capital of each member of the faculty, including a better prospect and relationship.

    1. To expose the participants on the issues and challenges related to sustainable development in the context of social development in the nation.

    2. To provide opportunities for participants to do research in various new dimensions to be used for the common good.

    3. To increase affection and appreciation of cultural knowledge through the sharing of information and expertise in their respective fields among presenters and participants.

    4. To create a network of expertise between academicians and professionals in a wide range of social science disciplines at local or international level.

    5. To strengthen the relationships with other institutions such as the Social Institute of Malaysia (ISM) and others by organizing more programme in the future.

Young Researchers for Water and Environmental Engineering Symposium (YRWEES)

The conference aims to provide a good platform and offer great opportunities for postgraduate students and researchers from UTHM and also from local universities to participate, present, interact and share their experiences, and create networking in the field of water and environmental engineering.


  • Young Researchers for Water and Environmental Engineering Symposium 2017

    October 21, 2017 – October 21, 2017


    The conference aims to provide a good platform and offer great opportunities for postgraduate students and researchers from UTHM and also from local universities to participate, present, interact and share their experiences, and create networking in the field of water and environmental engineering.

    This conference highlights the contributions of innovative research in science, engineering and technology. We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to submit original and unpublished works that address any topics within the areas of Environmental Engineering and Water Research.

    All selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Engineering and Technology Sciences (IJET), indexed by SCOPUS.


    -          Water Supply

    -          Water Resource Management

    -          Urban Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes

    -          Urban Technological Issues

    -          Storm Water Source Control and Best Management Practices

    -          Flood and Precipitation Extremes

    -          Flood Modelling and Forecasting

    -          Stochastic Hydrology


    -          Sustainable Management of Environment; Wastewater, Solid and Hazardous Waste

    -          Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Remediation Techniques

    -          Air Pollution Mitigation, Monitor, Control Technologies

    -          E-Waste Management & Carbon Credits

    -          Sustainable and Green Technologies

    -          Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Assessment, Risk and Safety Impact Assessment


International PostGraduate Conference on Engineering, Science & Technology (GUEST)

  • International PostGraduate Conference on Engineering, Science & Technology 2017 (GUEST2017)

    December 31, 2017 – December 31, 2017


    Contact Person: Naqibah Azman


    International PostGraduate Online Conference on Engineering, Science & Technology 2017 (GUEST2017) is organized to provide a platform for all postgraduate students from engineering, science and technology fields share their knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to a better future.

    GUEST2017 will be carried out using FULL ONLINE CONFERENCE concept where all presenters must create a video presentation and upload it to a presentation site that will be provided later. This gives an extra economic approach for postgraduate students presenting and sharing their research outcome, and at the same time can enlarge their networks thru the online media.

    All submitted papers will be peer reviewed and will be published upon acceptance in an open access SCOPUS indexed journal. The publication will be ONLINE latest TWO MONTHS after conference.


International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES)

  • 4th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES 2017)

    December 4, 2017 – December 5, 2017

    The 4th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability (IConCEES 2017) is an international conference organised by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia that will focus on topics related to civil and environmental engineering.

International Conference on Materials Physics and Mechanics

  • International Conference on Materials Physics and Mechanics 2017 (MPM2017)

    July 22, 2017 – July 23, 2017


    Contact Person: Assc. Prof. Dr. Nik Hisyamudin Muhd Nor

    1st International Conference on Materials Physics and Mechanics 2017 (MPM2017) is organized by the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in order to gather and attract variety of experts from various backgrounds all around the world.This conference aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. Only accepted, reviewed and registered papers with full payment will be published in an open access SCOPUS indexed journal. Authors should make sure that one of the authors listed in the paper should do the paper presentation at the conference. The publication will be ONLINE latest TWO MONTHS after conference.

    Organized by: Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

    Full paper submission deadline: 14 May 2017

The 2nd International Conference on Social Transformation and Regional Development 2020

ICoSTRD 2020

Esteemed Academics, Business World, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Public Sector Representatives


The first ICoSTRD was successfully hosted in Makassar Indonesia which has drawn hundreds of attendees from all over the world. The upcoming conference will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4th -5th February next year in Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Iraq. This conference is jointly organized by Institute for Social Transformation and Regional Development (TRANSFORM) Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Iraq.

This conference serves as an avenue to bring together leading academics, researchers and research scholars from universities all around the world to present ongoing research activities on all aspect of social changes and regional development which occur within the structure and function of global community. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of social transformation and regional development to stay up to date in the field. Hence attending and sharing the thoughts at the IcoSTRD conference will awake new thoughts through transferring and exchanging ideas. We believe that the conference will leave you with meaningful insights.

Conference Theme: Transformation and Sustainability of Society and Humanity

Sub Themes:

Social Well-being Transformation

Human Development and Sustainability

Governance and Leadership

Education (STEAM and TVET)

Hospitality and Tourism


Accounting, Economics, Business and Business Law

Law and Industrial Relations

Other Social and Humanity Sciences

  • The 2nd International Conference on Social Transformation and Regional Development 2020

    February 4, 2020 – February 5, 2020

    ICoSTRD 2020

    Esteemed Academics, Business World, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Public Sector Representatives


    The first ICoSTRD was successfully hosted in Makassar Indonesia which has drawn hundreds of attendees from all over the world. The upcoming conference will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4th -5th February next year in Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Iraq. This conference is jointly organized by Institute for Social Transformation and Regional Development (TRANSFORM) Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Iraq.

    This conference serves as an avenue to bring together leading academics, researchers and research scholars from universities all around the world to present ongoing research activities on all aspect of social changes and regional development which occur within the structure and function of global community. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of social transformation and regional development to stay up to date in the field. Hence attending and sharing the thoughts at the IcoSTRD conference will awake new thoughts through transferring and exchanging ideas. We believe that the conference will leave you with meaningful insights.

    Conference Theme: Transformation and Sustainability of Society and Humanity

    Sub Themes:

    Social Well-being Transformation

    Human Development and Sustainability

    Governance and Leadership

    Education (STEAM and TVET)

    Hospitality and Tourism


    Accounting, Economics, Business and Business Law

    Law and Industrial Relations

    Other Social and Humanities Sciences

    Participants will have the opportunity to delve into this theme and expand their professional network through the keynote speeches, panel discussions and networking session over lunch.

    Prospective authors are cordially invited to contribute to the conference through submissions of high quality research papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of social transformation and regional development for presentation at the conference.

    All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed and have the opportunity to be published in selected journals. Authors are given options either to publish in the Scopus Journal or Index Journal. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. Please refer to the Paper Submission GUIDE before submitting your paper


    Important Dates

    Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline                 November 1st, 2019

    Notification of Acceptance/Rejection                  November 30th, 2019

    Final Paper (Camera Ready) Submission

    & Early Bird Registration Deadline                     December 15th, 2019

    Conference Dates                                          February 4th – 5th, 2020


    Please ensure your submission meets the conference's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Downloadable versions of the check list for Full-Text Papers and Abstract Papers.

World Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (WoCTVET)

The world conference aims to serve as a platform for discussion, dissemination and sharing of contemporary research and scientific knowledge and information in the field of teacher education for TVET.



    December 13, 2022 – December 14, 2022

    The 8th WOCTVET 2022 aims to serve as a platform for discussion, dissemination and sharing of contemporary research and scientific knowledge and information in the field of TVET


    December 14, 2020 – December 14, 2020

    The 8th WOCTVET 2022 aims to serve as a platform for discussion, dissemination and sharing of contemporary research and scientific knowledge and information in the field of TVET

Persidangan Kebangsaan Autisme Malaysia (PEKA) 2016

PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN AUTISME MALAYSIA 2016 (PEKA2016) merupakan suatu inisiatif bersama di antara Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) dan Persatuan Autisme Muslim Malaysia (Autisme Malaysia) dan disokong oleh Permata Kurnia, Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM).

Persidangan ini adalah untuk menyediakan suatu platform perkongsian ilmu, perbincangan dan pendidikan berterusan berkenaan anak – anak autisme khususnya di Malaysia. Justeru itu, seminar dan persidangan ini diharapkan menjadi suatu medan perbincangan dan pendidikan berkaitan autisme ini di Malaysia.

  • Persidangan Kebangsaan Autism 2016 (PEKA2016)

    April 1, 2016 – April 2, 2016

    PERSIDANGAN KEBANGSAAN AUTISME MALAYSIA 2016 (PEKA2016) merupakan suatu inisiatif bersama di antara Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia dengan kerjasama Persatuan Autisme Muslim Malaysia (Autisme Malaysia) dan disokong oleh National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM).

    Program ini dicadangkan adalah untuk menyediakan suatu platform perkongsian ilmu, perbincangan dan pendidikan berterusan berkenaan anak – anak autisme khususnya di Malaysia. Justeru itu, seminar dan persidangan ini diharapkan menjadi suatu medan perbincangan dan pendidikan berkaitan autisme ini di Malaysia.

    Untuk penghantaran kertas kerja:



International Seminar on the Application of Science & Mathematics 2016

International Seminar on the Application of Science & Mathematics 2016

  • International Seminar of Application in Science and Mathematics 2016

    October 24, 2016 – October 25, 2016

International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research 2015 (ICSEWR2015)

Following the success of earlier series of national conferences, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering in collaboration with Micropollutant Research Centre (MPRC UTHM), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS UTHM), River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC USM), Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA UTM), and ESI Consultant, are organizing an International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research (ICSEWR 2015).

The ICSEWR 2015 aims to enhance personal and professional network between engineers and scientists from both academia and industries, particularly in environmental and water research.The conference creates a veritable platform for international research community to share innovative ideas on wide range of issues and solutions, with a view to ascertain research activities will make for improved formulation and implementationtowards achieving sustainable development.

This conference highlights the contributions of innovative research in science, engineering and technology. We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to submit original and unpublished works that address any topics within the areas of Environmental Engineering and Water Research.

All presented reviewed-papers will be published in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), indexed by SCOPUS.

Every presenter will be awarded with CPD hours and the certificate after the presentation.
All participants are cordially invited to join a day trip to the Southern Most Tip of Mainland Asia, Tanjung Piai, Johor.

  • International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research 2015

    October 25, 2015 – October 26, 2015

    International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research: Towards Sustainable Future”


    Following the success of earlier series of national conferences, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering in collaboration with Micropollutant Research Centre (MPRC UTHM), Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS UTHM), River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC USM), Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA UTM), and ESI Consultant, are organizing an International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Water Research (ICSEWR 2015).

    The ICSEWR 2015 aims to enhance personal and professional network between engineers and scientists from both academia and industries, particularly in environmental and water research.The conference creates a veritable platform for international research community to share innovative ideas on wide range of issues and solutions, with a view to ascertain research activities will make for improved formulation and implementationtowards achieving sustainable development.

    This conference highlights the contributions of innovative research in science, engineering and technology. We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to submit original and unpublished works that address any topics within the areas of Environmental Engineering and Water Research.

    All presented reviewed-papers will be published in an open access SCOPUS indexed journal:ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences  (ISSN: 1819-6608).

    Every presenter will be awarded with CPD hours and the certificate after the presentation.
    All participants are cordially invited to join a day trip to the Southern Most Tip of Mainland Asia, Tanjung Piai, Johor.



International Conference on Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship 2015 (ICTMBE2015)


    November 24, 2015 – November 25, 2015

Seminar Kebangsaan Majlis Dekan-Dekan Pendidikan Universiti Awam Malaysia

  • Seminar Kebangsaan Majlis Dekan-Dekan Pendidikan Universiti Awam Malaysia 2015

    September 14, 2015 – September 15, 2015


    "Pendidik Bertaraf Dunia: Wadah Pembangunan Modal Insan Kreatif dan Inovatif"

International Conference on Sustainable and Green Technology 2015 (SiGHT2015)

The International Conference on Sustainable and Green Technology 2015 (SiGHT2015) was conceived to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time; securing sustainable and green technology for the 21st century to protect the environment. This will require a collaborative effort from many disciplines of engineering, science, architecture and policy as well as among utilities, vendors, regulators, and academics. SiGHT2015 aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in research can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit papers that offer new research or theoretical contributions. SiGHT2015 conference is supported by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and will take place in September 12-13 2015 at Everly Putrajaya Hotel, Putrajaya Malaysia.

  • International Conference on Sustainable and Green Technology 2015

    September 12, 2015 – September 13, 2015

    The International Conference on Sustainable and Green Technology 2015 (SiGHT2015) was conceived to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time; securing sustainable and green technology for the 21st century to protect the environment. This will require a collaborative effort from many disciplines of engineering, science, architecture and policy as well as among utilities, vendors, regulators, and academics. SiGHT2015 aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in research can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit papers that offer new research or theoretical contributions. SiGHT2015 conference is supported by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and will take place in September 12-13 2015 at Everly Putrajaya Hotel, Putrajaya Malaysia.

International Conference on Industrial and Design Engineering 2015 (INCIDE2015)

InCIDE2015 aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future.

The scopes are:

  • Design Engineering
  • Decision Making
  • Design For X
  • Human Factors & Ergonomics
  • Industrial System & Engineering
  • Engineering Management and Quality


  • International Conference on Industrial and Design Engineering 2015 (INCIDE2015)

    September 12, 2015 – September 13, 2015

    InCIDE2015 is organized by the Industrial System Engineering (ISE) and Engineering Design Research Group (EDRG), Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering on the focus field which is industrial and design engineering.

    This conference aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future.

    All accepted papers will be published online as OPEN ACCESS in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN 1819-6608) indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS. All conference's information including presenting papers will be uploaded in a TABLET and will be given to all presenters upon on-site registration.

    Other benefits:

    • 8 CPD Hour BEM
    • Interesting location - Everly Hotel Putrajaya
    • Variety of events, i.e. Putrajaya International Fireworks Competition, Boat Race and mant more. Please visit Perbadanan Putrajaya website for details.
    • F.O.C Solidworks 2014/2015 Installation

    We look forward to welcoming you to International Conference on Industrial and Design Engineering 2015 (InCIDE2015) in 12 to 13  September 2015 at Everly Hotel Putrajaya.

International Conference on Advances in Mechanics (ICAM)

Welcome to the official website for 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics (ICAM2015) will be held in September 12-13, 2015, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

The conference is being held in conjunction with International Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS2015) and organized by Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. ICAM2015 is intended to provide a medium among academicians, students, researchers, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research findings and share ideas, developments and applications related to the various aspects of engineering mechanics. In addition to fostering research collaboration and the sharing of ideas, the conference seeks to enhance technology transfer between universities, research centers and industries.

  • International Conference on Advances in Mechanics 2015 (ICAM2015)

    September 11, 2015 – September 12, 2015

    Welcome to the official website for 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics (ICAM2015) will be held in September 12-13, 2015, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

    The conference is being held in conjunction with International Research and Innovation Symposium (IRIS2015) and organized by Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. ICAM2015 is intended to provide a medium among academicians, students, researchers, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research findings and share ideas, developments and applications related to the various aspects of engineering mechanics. In addition to fostering research collaboration and the sharing of ideas, the conference seeks to enhance technology transfer between universities, research centers and industries.

International Conference on Energy and Combustion 2015 (ICEC2015)

The International Conference on Energy and Combustion 2015 (ICEC2015) is the interdisciplinary international forum for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas and latest research achievements in the fields of combustion, energy utilization, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. ICEC2015 will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. All combustion and energy, science and technology specialists and friends are warmly invited to participate. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Alternative fuel, Renewable Energy and Fuel cell.
  • Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
  • Combustion strategies, powertrains and emissions control systems.
  • Numerical Simulation
  • Energy efficiency and energy management.
  • Tribology and new generation lubricant

The Proceedings of ICEC2015 will be included in the Scopus indexed publication.

  • International Conference on Energy and Combustion 2015 (ICEC2015)

    September 12, 2015 – September 13, 2015

    The International Conference on Energy and Combustion 2015 (ICEC2015) is the   interdisciplinary international forum for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas and latest research achievements in the fields of combustion, energy utilization, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. ICEC2015 will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. All combustion and energy, science and technology specialists and friends are warmly invited to participate.

International conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2015 (ICME2015)

ICME2015 (19-21 October 2015)

International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering is an international conference event since 2008.

This is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Mechanics and Control Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

This year is the Sixth International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ICME2015. All accepted papers in ICME2015 will be published in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN 1819-6608), indexed by SCOPUS.

  • International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME2015)

    October 19, 2015 – October 21, 2015

    Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
    86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor

    "Emerging Innovation and Technology Through Engineering Knowledge"

    ICME2015 aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

    All accepted papers of ICME2015 will be published in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISSN: 1819-6608).


    Author Guidelines | Paper Online Submission

Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology 2015 (MUCET2015)

Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology or MUCET is jointly organised by Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN) comprising of four universities i.e. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). This year Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia is proud to host MUCET 2015.

This conference highlights the contributions of innovative research in science, engineering and technology.  We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to submit original and unpublished works that address any topics within the areas of Electronic and Electrical EngineeringCivil EngineeringChemical Engineering & Natural ResourcesMechanical & Manufacturing EngineeringEducation, Social Science & Technology ManagementScience, and Information & Communication Technology.

Please visit our website at for details.

  • Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology 2015 (MUCET2015)

    October 11, 2015 – October 13, 2015

    Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology or MUCET is jointly organised by Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN) comprising of four universities i.e. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). This year Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia is proud to host MUCET 2015.

    MUCET 2015 aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers and industrial players to share knowledge and ideas, widen networking, present their research findings and explore any other potential benefits that might be contribute to the better future. International participants from other parts of the globe are most welcome.

    Please visit our website at for details.

    Please go to for PAPER SUBMISSION.

International Integrated Engineering Summit 2014 (IIES2014)

The International Integrated Engineering Summit 2014 (IIES2014) will be held in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor Malaysia on 1 to 4 December 2014. IIES aims to gather researchers all around the world to share their knowledge and ideas for the creation of better future. Submission of original unpublished works are most welcomed.

The Proceedings of IIES2014 will be included in the Scopus indexed publication.

  • International Research in Engineering Education Symposium (IREES)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Forum and Exhibition on Engineering Design 2014 (iNFEED2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Functional and Bio- Materials (ICFBM)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Industrial Engineering 2014 (ICIE2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Advances in Mechanics 2014 (ICAM2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Energy and Combustion 2014 (ICEC2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Fluid Mechanic and Heat Transfer 2014 (FMHT2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Additive Manufacturing Research 2014 (ICAMR2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • Tropical Soil International Conference 2014 (TSIC2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Green Transportation 2014 (ICGT2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Sustainable Construction 2014 (ICSC2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Environment and Green Technology 2014 (ICEGT2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Nanoelectronics Engineering 2014 (ICNEE 2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • International Conference on Integrated Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICIEEE)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • Regional TechRural 2014 (TechRural2014)

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014
  • Innovators

    December 1, 2014 – December 4, 2014

IIES2014 is organized by the Engineering Faculty UTHM.