UTHM Conference Portal, Young Researchers for Water and Environmental Engineering Symposium 2017

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Evacuation Planning during Flood Disaster by using GIS and Remote Sensing – General Approach and Methodology
nor azimah marimin

Last modified: 2017-11-13


Flood is natural disaster that usually local short-lived events that can happen suddenly and sometimes with little or no warning. The issues of flood especially involving the emergency response solution can be approached from the aspect of the evacuation center and other facility such as road network and etc. This paper highlights in general the approach and methodology of evacuation planning during flood disaster by using Quantum Geographical Information System (QGIS) and Remote sensing. Both GIS and remote sensing are capable in identifying suitable evacuation center and its road network.  This study will cover on three components that are resource available, elevation of the study area and its population density. Evacuation planning of Villages of Olpad Taluka, Surat and Mahi river, Gujerat are selected as an example. Flood evacuation plan at both study area which contains necessary facility for hospital, food, rail and road network locations are identified and digitized in QGIS software.