UTHM Conference Portal, International Research in Engineering Education Symposium (IREES)

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Framework for Assessing the Role of Modern Instructional Technology in Teaching Agricultural Vocational Courses in Higher Institution

Last modified: 2014-07-16


The paper proposes a framework for assessing the influence of Modern Instructional Technology (MIT) on the teaching of Agric vocational courses in higher institutions. As an on-going Master’s research, the study set to identify the MIT methods and equipment used in teaching Agric vocational courses in a study area,  assess the influence of MIT methods on teaching Agric vocational subjects in the study areas and propose a framework for improving teaching of Agric vocational courses using MIT in the study areas. Literature revealed how much attention is given to the influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment on education with little attention given to the changes in Instruction Technology. The development of MIT poses a challenge to the instructors to improve educational quality to meet the current need of education of the 21 century digital students. As a multi-disciplinary study, theoretical and conceptual frameworks are important and study approach is considered a quantitative method. As the study moves toward pragmatists’ school of thought about what constitute knowledge, exploratory survey and case study were recommended. The population of the study comprises of the students of Agric education offering core Agric education subjects in a study area. Data collected will be analysed using descriptive statistics and parametric inferential statistics. The study can provide ideas on how the use of MIT stimulates teaching of Agric vocational courses in the study area. It will indicate how to encourage young individuals to embark on vocational skills and will prove that use of MIT leads to critical thinking that leads to new innovations.